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5 Overview of flame retardant mechanism of fire prevention and extinguishing materials for preventing and controlling spontaneous combustion in coal mines

日期:2024-10-17 18:08:40 点击:

JIANG Xiaolong ,  SUN  Ming ,  CHANG Jianping , DONG  Hongjuan

(Mining and Coal School ,  Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology ,  Baotou 014010 ,  China)

Abstract :  Spontaneous combustion in coal mines is the most common and influential type of mine fire ,  which seriously restricts the safe mining of coal mines in China ,  endangers  the  safety of workers ,  and  causes  environmental pollution and great waste of resources .   Al- though the prevention and control technology of mine fire has made significant development ,  the  situation of preventing and controlling coal spontaneous combustion in mines is still severe . The influencing factors of coal spontaneous combustion in different mines or min- ing areas are numerous and complex ,  and  different  fire  extinguishing materials  and flame  retardant mechanisms  are  used.   This  paper summarizes the flame retardant mechanism of mine fire prevention and extinguishing materials  such  as  grouting , inert  gas , inhibitor , gel ,  foam ,  etc .  ,  and indicates the research direction of the flame retardant mechanism of mine fire prevention and extinguishing materi- als ,  which  provides a reference for the research of fire prevention and extinguishing materials for preventing and controlling spontaneous combustion in coal mines .

Key words :  mine;  coal  spontaneous combustion;  fire prevention and extinguishing materials;  flame retardant mechanism


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