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日期:2013-12-25 12:00:00 点击:




(1.内蒙古科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,内蒙古 包头 0140102.北京多维联合集团 ,河北 香河 065400

关键词:大跨度悬索桥; 抗风缆; 静风稳定性;临界风速;失稳

中国分类号U411.3     文献标识码:A


        Effect of wind cable on the wind resisting static stability for long suspension bridge

                    Fang Zhi-hua , Wei Ming -xing, Sheng Ming-qing

(1.Architecture and Civil Engineering School,Inner Mongolia University of Scien-ce and TechnologyBaotou 014010China2.Beijing duowei unity group ,xianghe hebei 065400, China)

Keywords: long-span suspension bridgewind cableaerostatic stabilitycritical wind speedinstability

Abstract: Wind cable and wind load were applied on the finite element of suspension bridges, the two-dimensional linear method was used to calculate the critical instability wind velocity of Bridges and calculated under different wind load across nodes in the horizontal, vertical and torsional displacement. The comparisons of the response which before and after applied the wind cable bridge show that the lateral displacement decreased significantly, Show lateral stiffness increased. but vertical displance increased .The comparisons of the displacement across nodes which before and after applied the wind cable bridge show that instability after the cable was added in advance, the critical wind speed of lateral buckling increased, but still far greater than the wind speed may appeared on earth.

地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁大街7号 邮编:014010 电话:0472-5951610或0472-5953910 Email:cky@imust.edu.cn nkdxb@imust.edu.cn
