( 1.包头钢铁( 集团) 公司轨梁厂热轧部,内蒙古包头014010; 2.包头钢铁( 集团) 公司线材厂生产管理部,内蒙古包头014010; 3.内蒙古科技大学材料与冶金学院,内蒙古包头014010)
关键词: 重轨钢; 动态再结晶; 数学模型
中图分类号: TG142. 1 + 3 文献标识码: A
摘要: 以稀土轨RE-Ⅱ为研究对象,在Gleeble - 1500D 热模拟实验机上进行单道次高温压缩变形实验,研究实验钢的动态再结晶行为及其影响因素,采用线性回归法计算动态再结晶激活能Q 并回归其温度补偿应变速率因子Z的数学模型,为预报和控制RE-Ⅱ稀土轨的组织及性能提供基本实验依据.
Research on mathematical model of dynamic recrystallization of RE-Ⅱheavy rail
GUO Shan-li1,HU Bo2,BAO Xi-rong3
( 1. Rail Beam Plant,Baotou Iron and Steel ( Group) Co.,Baotou 014010,China ; 2. Wire Plant,Baotou Iron and Steel ( Group)
Co.,Baotou 014010,China; 3. Materials and Metallurgy School,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010,China)
Key words: heavy rail; dynamic recrystallization; mathematical model
Abstract: The influencing factors on dynamic recrystallization of RE-Ⅱheavy rail are studied by one-pass high temperature compression tests using Gleeble-1500D thermal-mechanical simulator. The activation energy Q is calculated and the model of dynamic recrystallization Z is obtained in order to provide basic data for the prediction and control of the microstructure and properties of RE-Ⅱheavy rail products.