( 内蒙古科技大学信息学院,内蒙古包头014010)
关键词: 图像处理; 食品溯源; 查询
中图分类号: TN929. 5: 文献标识码: A
摘要: 在了解目前国内外食品溯源现状的基础上,提出了手机查询应用于食品溯源查询的可行性,主要针对手机查询过程中使用的图像预处理和译码的关键技术进行了阐述,通过对相关算法的实验比较,得出了一套符合手机实时性查询的算法体系.同时通过相关的实验对算法实验进行了验证,为食品信息溯源的手机查询提供了一定的借鉴.
Key technologies with phone inquiries in food traceability information
XING Dong-xu,JU Yue-liang,GAO Lei
( Information Engineering School,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010,China)
Key words: image processing; food traceability; phone inquiries
Abstract: Based on the research of food traceability situation at home and abroad,it is feasible to apply the mobile phone queries in food traceability query. The images pre-processing and decoding technology used in the mobile query process were mainly discussed,and a system of algorithm for mobile phone real-time query was developed according to the comparison of the related experiments.An experimental verification was obtained by the experiments based on the algorithm system,providing some reference for the food information traceability with phone inquiries.