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作者:学报编辑部 日期:2014-10-01 16:21:59 点击:


李 洁,孟德洲

(内蒙古科技大学 信息工程学院,内蒙古 包头 014010)


中图分类号:TP29  文献标志码:A


Wind Turbine Pitch System Control and Research Based on Neural-Sliding Mode Control

Li Jie, Meng Dezhou

(Information Engineering School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014000, China)

Keyword:independence pitch control, RBF neural network, sliding mode control

Abstract: For the wind power generation system, wind speed is fluctuant and wind resource distribution is uneven in the wind turbine blade sweep area, so the wind turbine blade needs to be controlled separately according to its own wind condition to achieve independence pitch control. A method was presented based on RBF (Radial Basis Function) neural network sliding mode control strategy, which optimized the turbine pitch control methods and improved the stability of wind power generation system. The algorithm is implanted in the experimental platform of 10kW wind turbine scale model to control the servo motor. The simulation run results show that, the RBF neural network sliding mode control strategy can improve the effect of the variable pitch control and improve the system robustness.

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