(内蒙古科技大学建筑与土木工程学院 包头 014010;2.包头市市政公用工程有限公司,内蒙古 包头 014010)
中图分类号:TU392.2 文献标志码:A
Optimization of the Cable-Tower Structure for wind turbine
LIU Xiang1,WANG Zhisheng1,HOU Min-le 2
(Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China;2.Baotou Municipal Public Projects Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,Baotou 014010,China)
Key words: towers; size-optimization; first order optimization method
Abstract:A new type of wind turbine tower of cable-towerstructure was proposed.The height of the cable anchorage point, the initial tension, and the angle between cable and ground were determined. With the first order optimization method in ANSYS,the calculation algorithm of cable-towerstructure and single-pipe tower was developed based on the practical project. Using the optimizationalgorithm, the optimization of the sectionsize and shape of two tower structures was carried out. It was found that compared with the single-pipe tower, the cable-towerstructure has quite a lot of advantages , such as the relatively higher first natural frequency and stiffness, the relatively lower foundationquantities, convenient transportationand less construction difficulty and etc.. For the cable-towerstructure,increasing the cable initial tension can effectively reduce the bottom bending moment of the tower, while increasing the cable initial tension can effectively improve the stability of the tower to some extent.