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作者:学报编辑部 日期:2014-11-04 10:54:43 点击:




摘要:本实验在自制的底供气扩散床管式电阻炉内,研究了不同还原时间(30min- 180min)和温度(800℃-1050℃)下,H2选择性还原含铌铁矿粉中铁氧化物的规律。得到950℃为最佳还原温度,还原2h还原度达到90.98%,金属化率为86.47%,还原3h还原度达到94.07%,金属化率为91.11%,而低于这一温度或高于这一温度时,还原度和金属化率在同样还原时间下都有所降低。


中图分类号:TF554     文献标识码:A

Experimental study on hydrogen selective-reduction of Nb-bearing iron ore powder

CHEN Yi-sheng, TIANTian

(Materials and Metallurgy School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,  , Baotou 014010)

Abstract: The rule of hydrogen selective-reduction of Nb-bearing iron ore powder was studied through experiments in the homemade diffusion bed tubular resistance furnace with gas blown from the bottom under the different reduction time (30min-180min) and temperature (800-1050). The result shows 950as the best reduction temperatureat which the reduction degree can reach 90.98% and the metal rate can reach 86.47% after being reduced for 2h; the reduction degree can reach 94.07%, and the metal rate can reach 91.11% after being reduced for 3h. While below or above this temperature, both the reduction degree and metal rate were decreased under the same reduction time.

Key words:Nb-bearing iron ore powder ,H2selective reduction , the reduction degree and the metal rate

地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁大街7号 邮编:014010 电话:0472-5951610或0472-5953910 Email:cky@imust.edu.cn nkdxb@imust.edu.cn
