(内蒙古科技大学信息学院,内蒙古 包头 014000)
中图分类号TM301;TM315;文献标志码 A
Two new methods of the initial grid connection of the doubly-fed motor
WEI Yi-li , SU Jun
(Information Engineering School,Inner Mongol University Of Science and Technology Bao Tou014000,China)
Keyword:double fed motor;grid connected;Scalar;Space vector analysis
Abstract:Two kinds of methods of the initial grid connectionof the doublely-fed motor stator grid generation were put forward,and the initial grid with no shock current wasimplemented.According to the relationship between the network voltage and the stator voltage, the scalar analysis was innovatively used to deduce the envelope that performs the grid conditions accurately ,which provides a theoretical references for the doubly-fed motor initial grid.Space vector method was presented to analyze the network voltage and stator voltage space vector,and the analysis process of interconnection was simplified by using it . Finally thedoublely-fed motor experiment was carried out to verify the correctness of this method.