张光存1,2高谦1* 王世昌2 李国栋2
(1.北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京 100083; 2.内蒙古科技大学矿业与煤炭学院,内蒙古包头 014010)
中图分类号:P553 文献标识码:A
摘 要:在地应力测量和应用中,常常出现地应力相关概念上的混淆和计算方法的不科学。一般人们用三种形式来表征地应力状态,它们分别是6个独立应力分量的表述形式、3个主应力的表述形式、最大(小)水平应力垂直应力的表述形式。在工程实践中,往往需要进行地应力表述形式之间的相互转换,6个独立应力分量和3个主应力的表述形式是完整表述,其两者之间可以相互转换,且两者都可以转换为最大(小)水平应力垂直应力的表述形式。最大(小)水平应力垂直应力的表述形式是不完整表述形式,不能将之转换为6个独立应力分量和3个主应力的表述形式。掌握地应力的表述形式和相互转换方法,把握地应力在应用中需要注意的问题,对地应力测量和应用工作非常重要。
Research on Geo-stress status expressions andinterconversion-related problems
ZHANG Guangcun1,2 GAO Qian1*WANGShichang2 LIGuodong2
(1. Key Laboratory of High Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mine Ministry of Education, University of Science and Technology Beijing;2. School of Mining &Coal, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology)
Keywords: Geo-stress; Geo-stress state expressions; Geo-stress interconversion
Abstracts: There exist some mistakes and unscientific notions in engineering practice on geo-stress surveys and their applications. Three ways are mainly used to describe geo-stress status, which are: six independent stresscomponent expressions; three principal stress value and direction expressions; maximum/minimum horizontal stress and vertical stress expressions. In practice, interconversion among the expressions is often required. Transformation is viable between 6 independentstresscomponents expressions and 3 normal principal stress expressions. These two sets of expressions are complete description forms. Either set of expressions can derive horizontal maximum/minimum stress equations. But maximum/minimum stress equations are not complete description forms, because they cannot derive the other two sets of expressions. It is important to fully understand these geo-stress expressions and their interconvertibility in practical geo-stress measurements and their engineering applications.