(内蒙古科技大学 建筑与土木工程系,内蒙古包头 014010)
中图分类号:X703 文件标识码:A
Study on shear strength test of backfill improved by using blast furnace slag of Baotou Iron and Steel(Group)Co.
LIU Xiang1,GUO Peng1,XU You-jun2,WU Cheng-long
(Architecture and Civil EngineeringSchool, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou014010,
Key words:Blast furnace slag; Improve;Shear strength
Abstract: The properties of blast furnace slag of Baotou Iron and Steel (Group) Co. like radioactive, stability ,etc. meet the requirements of specification, so it can be used as building material for foundations and road base. Laboratory tests showed that the original slag is poorly graded and lack of fine material filling, which is not suitable to be directly used for foundation packing. Gradation was improved by adding different proportions of fly ash and blast furnace slag sand. The direct shear tests were conducted using the improved mixture to research the regular P5 content and the cohesion and internal friction angle. The main conclusions are as follows: the fillers have the maximum shear strength when P5 ratio is between 60% and 75%. The gradation of adding the sand filler is better than that of adding the fly ash, reaching maximum using sand filler with P5 at 68% . The optimal ratio of the sand filler was obtained when P5 is from 65% to 70%.