白利民1李霈清2周松涛2 赵根田2
中图分类号:TU602 文献标识码:A
Designandanalysis on the lifting of steel beamsabove theconcrete floor
Bai Limin1 Li Peiqing2 ZhouSongtao2 Zhao Gentian2
1Baotou Architectural Design and Research Co。Ltd 2. Inner Mongolia University ofscience and Technology
Abstract Aspecificscientific analysis on thecombination restrictionsof the concrete andsteel roofstructureconstruction was carried out using the steeldomeinstallationabove the concrete flooras anexample.Theobliqueliftingoftwolarge mainsteel beamsfortheprojectconstructionprogram was designed. A mast was installedon the existingstructural columnssupporting thesteel beams.Twolarge mainsteelbeams wereplacedon the existingstructural columns by artificialhangingand pulling with chainconnection and obliquelifting. Andstructuralstress was analyzed andstrength checkingwas conducted during the construction. Theprogramoninstallationofsuchlarge-scale steel beamsabovetheconcrete floor may provide valuable referenceto other projects.
Keywords concrete floor; structuralcolumns; largesteel beams;mast