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19. 包钢铁精矿生产含氧化镁球团矿的实验研究

日期:2015-09-11 15:14:58 点击:


赵彬1,2  ,罗果萍1 ,刘景权2 ,郝志忠2


中图分类号:THO46.6   文献标识码:A


Experimentresearch for production of iron concentrate containing magnesium oxide pelletsat Baogang

ZHAOBin 1,2 ,LUO Guo-pong1,LIU Jing-quan2,HAO Zhi-zhong2

(1. Materials and Metallurgy School , Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,

2.Rare-EarthSteel Plate Company, Baotou Iron and Steel (Group)Co., Baotou 014010,China)

Key words: self-mined concentrates, MgO, serpentine, pellet

Abstract:Through the addition of differentproportion serpentine and lighting roasting dolomite, the content of MgO in rawmaterial was increased. Baogang pellets production technology for roasting was simulated. Theperformance of green pellet , the reduction swelling characters  andcompressive strength of the finished product were studied in order to prove up a reasonable technicalmeasure to improve the content of MgO in Baogang -produced pellets. Researchshows that, when adding 2.0% bentonite together with light burned dolomite ofless than 4.0% or serpentine below 2.2%, the preparation of raw ballperformance can meet the production requirements; when light burned dolomitecontent was increased from 2.0% to 4.0%, the compressive strength of the pelletsat 1 250 ℃ was reduced from 2 250 N to 2239 N, with the reduction of inflation rate increased from 32.1% to 34.5%. When serpentine contentincreased from 1.1% to 2.2%,the compressive strength of the calcination pelletsproduct under 1250 ℃ decreased to 2248 N from 2250 N, with the inflation rate reduced to 16.7% from 19.7%. Therefore, the best way for the production of ironore concentrate containing magnesium oxide pellet, is to add magnesium fluxwith the addition of serpentine.

地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁大街7号 邮编:014010 电话:0472-5951610或0472-5953910 Email:cky@imust.edu.cn nkdxb@imust.edu.cn
