中图分类号:TB34 文献标识码:A
Advanced dielectric ceramicmaterials technology and application of China
Key words :Advanced dielectric ceramic materials, Barium titanate, Capacitordielectric ceramic materials, Microwave dielectric ceramic materials, Piezoelectricceramic materials
Abstract :Dielectricceramic materials is the key materials for thepreparation of basic components in electronic industry, and itsmarket is huge with a colourfulfuture.The developmentof dielectric ceramic material in China was analyzed fromthe perspective ofindustrialization, and the key factorsaffecting the development of its technology were discussed.At thesame time, the latest technology of bariumtitanate powder materials, capacitor dielectric ceramic materials, microwavedielectric ceramic materials, and piezoelectricceramic materials were introduced.Thesematerials represent the development level of the advanced dielectric ceramicmaterials in China.