( 内蒙古科技大学材料与冶金学院,内蒙古包头014010 )
关键词:石墨烯;规模化;工艺流程; 展望
中图分类号:TQ174 文献标识码:A
Large scale preparationof graphene and its research prospect
YU Hui-tao, ZHENG Xue-wen, LIXue-hang, WANG Wei-ren; ZHANG Bang-wen*
( Materials andMetallurgy School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou014010, China)
Keywords:graphene; large-scale; technological process; prospect
Abstract:Grapheneas one of the hot research topic, both its excellent physical and chemicalproperties and its preparation method have attracted extensive attention. The whole discussion of largescale preparation of grapheme was carried out. First, the preparation processof graphene was briefly introduced; secondly, the advantages anddisadvantages on the preparation of graphene materials were evaluated; andfinally, the graphene scale preparation and its development prospect were pointedout.
*通讯作者:张邦文( 1973 - ) ,男,四川泸州人,内蒙古科技大学教授,博士.邮箱:bangwenz@126.com