中图分类号:TH113. 2 + 2 文献标识码:A
摘要:步进式冷弯成型工艺是一种新的设备,将虚拟样机技术应用于设计开发中,对步进式冷弯成型研究开发进行一定探索. 在三维造型软件SolidWorks 环境下创建设备模型,并运用自下而上虚拟装配模式完成设备的三维模型. 并将模型导入多刚体动力学仿真软件ADAMS 中,建立步进式冷弯成型设备传动系统虚拟样机,对虚拟样机进行运动学仿真分析,结果验证了机构设计的合理性与可行性.
Modeling and simulation of motion system of millipede forming based on virtual prototype
ZHANG Wen-xing,BAI Meng,WANG Jian-guo
(Mechanical Engineering School,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010,China)
Key words:millipede forming,virtual prototyping,modeling,kinematics
Abstract:In order to carry out certain research of design and development in millipede forming equipment,the virtual prototyping technology was used in the design and the development of the product. Parts of the equipment were created in 3D modeling software of SolidWorks ,and the three-dimensional model of the equipment was completed using the bottom-up virtual assembly model. The wellestablished models can be imported into multi-body dynamics simulation software of ADAMS,and the millipede forming equipment
transmission was built by using the software ADAMS,then the virtual prototype can be analyzed by the kinematic simulation. The simulation results which can be seen in ADAMS demonstrated the rationality and reliability of the mechanism design.