辛瑞峰1 董方1 李常学2
(1.内蒙古科技大学 材料与冶金学院,内蒙古 包头 014010
2.济钢集团有限公司中厚板厂,山东 济南 250101)
中图分类号:TF777.1 文献标识码:A
摘 要:通过对济钢降低中厚板板坯裂纹率攻关实践,对一号铸机厚板线钢板生产中出现的表面裂纹问题进行了跟踪调查、统计、分析,并对裂纹成因和改善措施进行了综述,采取合理控制各工序生产技术指标、浇注过程全程保护、优化结晶器及连铸工艺参数等技术改进后,中厚板板坯裂纹显著降低,2011年上半年至下半年平均裂纹率由1.392%降低至0.877%,年效益增加约324万元。
Cause and Improvement Measure on Cracks of Plate Slab
XIN Riu-feng1 DONG Fang1 LI Chang-xue2
(1.School of Material and Metallurgy,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010,China
2.Medium and Heavy Plate Plant of Jigang Group Co.,Ltd,Jinan 250101,China)
Key words: medium and heavy plate,crack, protection cast process, mold, continuous casting process
Abstract: The reasons and improvement measures of cracks in plate slab are discussed, in this paper, by tracking studies and statistic analysis of the project on which decrease cracks of plate slab in Jinan Iron and Steel Group. The regulatory measures were taken on reasonable control each working procedure, protect full in casting process and optimize of crystallizer and casting process parameters etc. the results show that the first half of the 2011 to the second half of the year the average crack rate decreased from 1.392% to 0.877%,increased the benefits about3.24 million yuan per year.