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作者:学报编辑部 日期:2014-11-18 15:55:31 点击:




中图分类号:TG172  文献标识码:A


The corrosion inhibition of fluorocarbon surfactant FCI-3 and its mixed system on the surface of carbon steel

HE u-long  LIU Jiang-yan  ZHANG ong-lin

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,  )

Keywordsfluorocarbon surfactanthydrocarbon surfactant mixed systemcorrosion inhibitor

AbstractThe corrosion inhibition properties of  fluorocarbon surfactant FCI-3 and the mixed systems of FCI-3 and other hydrocarbon surfactants (CTAB, SDS, TX-100) were studied by weight loss method, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,polarization curves methodand scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that the inhibition performance of FCI-3 for carbon steel was good,and the inhibition efficiency reached above 90% by three methods mentioned above. The inhibition performances of the mixed systems for FCI-3 and hydrocarbon surfactants were also excellent and reached more than 90%. The order of inhibition efficiency from high to low is CTAB>TX-100>SDS.

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