中图分类号:TF769.2 文献标识码:A
Research on the desulfurizationof 510L automobile beam steel refining slag system
Yang-Jichun, Wang-Xueyong, Li-Hongwei, Du-hailong
(Materials and Metallurgy School,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China)
Key words:refining slag; automobilebeam steel;barium oxide; desulfurization
Abstract: The method of quadratic orthogonal regressivewas used to research the influence of different substances inside refining slagon melting temperature, viscosity and desulfurization degree. The result showsthat BaO content goes up continuously as the melting temperature decreases andbegins to flat at the point of 12%. When CaO/Al2O3content varies from 2 to 2.6, the melting temperature increases and reaches tothe peak around 2.5. When CaO/Al2O3 content varies from2.6 to 4, melting temperature decreases; when SiO2 content goes up,the melting temperature increases and soars up from 12%. When BaO contentvaries from 0 to 15%, viscosity diminishes and rate of curve approximates tozero around 12%. When CaO/Al2O3 content varies from 2.6to 4, viscosity goes up;while SiO2 content varies from 10% to 20%,viscosity goes up to approximate 14 % and the rate of refining temperaturepattern increases slightly. When BaO content varies from 0 to 15%, desulfurizationrate firstly increases and and then decreases with increasing the specificvalue of Cao/Al2O3, reaching the peak of 2.6. Desulfurizationrate goes down with increasing the content of SiO2.