中图分类号:TG179 文献标识码:A
摘要:对X100钢在格尔木土壤的模拟液中进行腐蚀实验,通过测算腐蚀速率、宏观形貌图观察以及电化学的方法进行研究。在腐蚀初期阶段,由于腐蚀介质较为充足,与氧气的接触比较充分,因此前期腐蚀速率相对较快。随着腐蚀的进行,X100钢试样的自腐蚀电位前期变化较大,后期变化较小;在该实验中,试样发生的是非均匀腐蚀,并且伴随着部分点腐蚀。XRD的测试结果表明,FeOOH、Fe2O3和 Fe3O4是X100钢的主要腐蚀产物。
Research on effect Of Corrosion Behavior
Of X100 Steel in the Golmud Soil Simulated Solution
AN yue,SONG yiquan, FENG yufei,GE qiang,WU zhifeng
(Materials and Metallurgy School, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China )
Key words: Golmud soil; Corrosionanalysis; X100 steel;XRD analysis
Abstract:The corrosion of X100 steel in Golmudsoil was studied by measuring the corrosion rate,morphological observation and electrochemicalmethods.The results showed that at the beginning of the experiment, X100 steel corrosionpotential declined sharply. As the initial corrosion medium was sufficient,Oxygen corrosion became full, and the corrosion rate was faster . Thecorrosion potential of X100 steel samples changed greatly with increasing the testingtime , but it changed very little at the later time.In the simulationexperiment,the non-uniform corrosion and the partial pitting corrosionoccurred. The XRD analysis showed that the corrosion products of X100 steelmainly consist of FeOOH, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4.