傅德舟 , 郑飞虎 , 安振连 , 张冶文
关键词:聚丙烯薄膜; 瞬态放电电流法空间电荷
中图分类号:TM211 文献标识码:A
Dynamic Monitoring of Space Charge Density in PolypropyleneFilms Based on Fast-Discharge Current Method*
FU De-zhou, ZHENGFei-hu, AN Zhen-lian, ZHANG Ye-wen
Department ofElectrical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
key words:Polypropylene Film, Fast-DischargeCurrent Method, Space Charge
Abstract: A method to monitor the spacecharge density and the evolution of polypropylene film was proposed using Fast-DischargeCurrent Method. The polypropylene film is placed in the oven at 40 degreesCelsius and polarized under DC electric field. After polarization, thepolypropylene film was instantly connected in series to the short circuit thatcontains load resistance and inductance. Then the short circuit dischargecurrent of the polypropylene film was measured. By comparing the influence ofdifferent field strength on the damping discharge current waveform characteristicsof polypropylene film, the rule was attained that the remaining amount of spacecharge and average charge density vary with time of thin film samples. Theresults show that the residual charge density in the thin films estimated bythe Fast-Discharge Current Method is similar to that of the steady state spacecharge density measured by the Thermal Pulse Method. Therefore, it is inferredthat the distribution and change of space charge in polypropylene film can beanalyzed by using the Fast-Discharge Current Method,which is a simple andeffective approximation method compared to the Thermal Pulse Method and LaserIntensity Modulation Method.