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日期:2016-10-15 10:31:17 点击:


(内蒙古科技大学能源与环境学院,内蒙古包头 014010)


中图分类号:TD926.4    文献标识码:A


Study of coal pyrolysis characteristics

based on the TG-FTIR technology

Gong zhi-junWang kai-xingWu wen-fei

(energy and environment School of, Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology, Baotou,014010, China)

Key wordsThermogravity analysis Coal pyrolysisFourier transform infrared spectroscopy

AbstractThe TG-FTIR was used to analyze the pyrolysis characteristic of lignite, bitumite and anthracite under the same heating rate. The pyrolysis products and their formation rules were studied. The results show that with the increase of coalification degree, the pyrolysis mass loss is reduced, the initial pyrolysis temperatureis increased, and the maximum pyrolysis temperature is increased; according to the fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, CO2 is the first pyrolysis product generated, with CO as the second and CH4 the third ; the initial generative temperature are different, and the order of generative temperature is lignite  bitumite  anthracite. The higher the coalification degree is, the higher the gas generative temperature is.

地址:内蒙古包头市昆都仑区阿尔丁大街7号 邮编:014010 电话:0472-5951610或0472-5953910 Email:cky@imust.edu.cn nkdxb@imust.edu.cn
